Plays by Cy Young
A Perfect Hatred:
This 2-Act Play takes place in 1946 in Oklahoma City and features a family of Mama, her husband C.H., their 4 daughters, and a woman who is Mama’s nemesis. C.H. is a powerful character who has a great fear of women which creates great tension between himself, his wife, and his 4 beautiful and brilliant daughters. Jeanie, the youngest and highly talented singer, is the catalyst that brings the conflict to an explosion when she is raped and C.W. blames her for the attack. Near the end of the play, I create a reenactment of the Parsifal Legend in which the women in the play form a giant spider mouth and devour C.H. In the final scene, C.H. hears Jeanine sing as a winning contestant on the Phils Spitalny All Female Orchestra. The scene is poignant, sad, and extremely uplifting.
Compromising Situations:
A dark comedy where a woman finds her husband in bed with his secretary and shoots him, using 5 guns, 257 times. The play is in 12 scenes and consists of a series of interviews on well-known TV talk shows using famous talk show hosts, with their theme songs, ranging from the initial crime, through her indictment, Grand Jury, trial, conviction, incarceration, appeal, and chic execution.
The Sloth: Produced around the world in community theatre
Nadine Schnitzle of Tarzana, California, has discovered a sloth hanging in the eucalyptus tree in her backyard, and she’s convinced it’s her husband, Herman. The story develops into an international event when she asks her pastor what she should do if the sloth, her husband, Herman, wants to have relations and the City Animal Control says the sloth is too large an animal (mammal) to keep inside the city limits and she has to move Herman into a zoo.
(The Sloth is also an award-winning short story entitled “The Schitzle Connection.”) Excellent reviews wherever produced.
Jump I’ll Catch You: Produced in New York Off Bdwy
Bennie boards a bus on a rainy night and sits down beside the only other resident on the bus, Merriam. Both are nervous, but when Bennie’s first words are, “I died once,” Merriam thinks he’s nuts, gets up, and tries to move to a different seat. When Bennie says he’ll move, Merriam calms down, and they begin a relationship. Two-character romantic comedy. Excellent reviews Off-Broadway at the Riverwest Theatre.
James Skipworth and the Catfish Colonel: Produced in New York Off Bdwy
A frustrated playwright has given himself a deadline. If he doesn’t receive a promise that day from a producer to produce his play, he’ll kill himself. Action of play: James locks himself in a female producer’s office and won’t let her out until she makes that promise, which she resists doing. Her resistance and James’ reaction constitute the action of the play. A three-character comedy.